The 'rents and I were invited to a Christmas Sweater Party at a friend o' the fam's home! The minute I heard there were prizes... well, I went a little nuts! And the madness was infectious! My Mom glued more crap to her sweater than anyone ever should (and yet still managed to look classy) but my Dad and I- well, can you say Over The Top?? My Mom created this awesome deer for Diamond Don's sweater out of some fur we got at Walmart. Not content with felt antlers- my Pops used power tools to attach REAL antlers to his sweater!
I opted to tell a story with mine... the Redneck Christmas Story! Complete with Baby Bejeezus in Nascar swaddling, Joseph offering tickets to the Gun Show and Mary tarted up a little! Oh, and the bright light of the Star of Budweiser! (That's a real can, people! Well, half a can!)
And though Kath got the birthday cake- Diamond Don & I tied for Funniest Sweaters! I kicked his ass in the tie breaking Dance Off (in other words- he didn't get up and I won) but by the end of the night- one antler had gone limp, his Christmas ball had fallen off and the wiring we cut out of a light up gift bag and tucked under his deer was starting to peek out making it look like a Terminated Deer that had been well, terminated... At that point- I gave him the prize anyway!
I can't wait to make a Redneck Easter Sweater!

(I didn't want our lovely faces to distract from our magical sweaters!)
1 comment:
And the prize goes to Ba-jesus!! Bravo bravo.....oxoxo
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