Ahh, Fall.... My favorite time of year!
And so, your first slice of Hamptons AUTUMN Pie!

Jay took this last one... My kiddos have got such good little eyes!
A sweet & sassy broad's adventures both at home and well, abroad! From Cornwall to Astoria- this broad always gots something to say!
I think I can see pumpkins and corn, but the squashes if that is what they are, are completely unknown to me.
Very nice..."See the LEAVES?"~~~~~~~~I love fall!!oxox
Dearest Sans- those lil' squashes are called gourds! We, here in America, enjoying spending money on these purely as fall decorations! I will ship one right off to Scotland if you would like! You would be the talk of the town! The one in the know! The needle in the haystack... (OK- that last one didn't really work but you get my drift!)
Anon- Fall is Good.
Thank you for your kind offer Jenn, but I'd rather not have the Customs & Excise SWAT teams descend upon me as an un-licensed gourd importer. "It's only a gourd!" I protest - "Yeah, right son, go direct to jail, do not collect £200" "We know your tree-hugging, hippie-lovin' type."
The Sisters would have me sans pantaloons faster than Anne can drink a bottle o' suds.
oh my gourd.
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