Yesterday morning, I heard a chainsaw type noise. I covered my head with my pillow and went back to sleep. It was only 9AM and a Saturday! When I finally awoke and started moving and went outside, I was shocked to find that the patio had been violated. The chainsaw noise? Someone sawing ALL three trees (including one that is by my living room window) are now stumps. Gnomes were strewn about. Chairs askew. Sure, the shavings were swept up- which is weird for a violent tree saw-er I would think but it was all GONE!! GONE!! I ran up to my neighbors and they had no clue. I called the landlady and the land lady's sister's husband- no answer.
I cannot begin to describe how I felt. How I still feel.... This is such a violent violation. A man with a chainsaw had jumped over my fence and attacked my patio. And to make matters more whack-a-doodle, some fucknut was screaming across the street with a face covered in blood. Same delightful fella who whilst fighting with his girlfriend weeks back, chucked something out a window almost killing the Asian lady sweeping her sidewalk in front of the laundromat! Domestic violence. Flora violence... WTF?!! I sobbed all day yesterday.
When the landlady's sister's husband finally called me back, it was to tell me it was all a MISTAKE!! A fucking mistake. Their gardener was supposed to come trim stuff back here and cut stuff down at a different property owned by the family. A mistake. My patio, attacked, by mistake. With no warning, mind, that a man with a chainsaw would be stopping by and leaping the fence. We have worked out a solution given the massacre.... but it doesn't change the devastation. They now have to try and dig out the stumps for trees so well established, they are effecting the sidewalk so that I can plant something new. Crushed. Crushed. crushed....
This is my patio on September 21st of last year... Complete with my girl, Mantis!
At Easter, Hershey came to visit... Sure, there is no foliage but there are trees for which the foliage to grow on!

In June, we had a BBQ for Eunice... there was bubbles and gorgeous children and privacy created by the foliage!!
Oh My God.
i'm so sorry. i'm stunned.
now read this:
it's lemonade time.
anne and friends
Speechless. Yes, rebuild!!! In the meantime, totally. speechless. Love love love love.
I am truly sorry. This is stupidity on an epic scale. It may be too late or too severe, but grafting may still be possible.
Plant more trees and they will come!!! Farmer Don will be there to rebuild your forest!!:-)
I am as upset about the fence climbing chainsaw guy!! UGH!!!!!
Thanks All! I seem to attract the friggin' stupidity! I have added some mums and rearranged the pots but am in need of some stump removal! Farmer Don has his work cut out for him when he gets here!
SP- I think grafting may only help in this case if Adobe is in charge of it! :( But thank YOU for wiki-ing it up!
Joany and I keep bringing this up, we can't stop thinking about how f'd up it was! I'm so sorry!!! Your new foliage will be bigger and better! And J said, "She'd better get a free months rent at least! And some ivy planted along the fenceline..."
ivy totes!!!
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