I know that when my girl, Devon sends a Fwd- that it is going to be good!
She is picky like that about what she forwards!
These pics came (via Devon) from a site called People of Walmart. They are not like the Yeti or the Loch Ness Monster.... you see these creatures ALL THE TIME at your local Walmart. Hell, I think I went to high school with this first fella! Regardless- I promise to visit my local Walmart when I go home in October where I will strive to add my very own
Person of Walmart to the collection!

Class of '89?

(Yeah, that's a goat. They don't sell those at the Walmart by my parents...
maybe it is a Seeing Eye Goat?)



(the caption on this one labeled it a "gangster leotard"... HI-larious!
Want More?? www.peopleofwalmart.com
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