OK... perhaps it was two summers ago, perhaps it was three but it was a Sunday. Chris & I went to Home Depot (with a cocktail if I remember correctly) and got some plants. Among them- the dusty miller. (I like to call mine the Dusty William for no apparent reason). It was a 6 inch plant. Chris' has since died. Mine got moved around the patio a bit and finally, last fall ended up in the corner.
Here it is in its current home. Just a side dish to the bush beside it that decided for the first time ever to flower with pretty pinkness!
According to The Gardener's Network... the dusty miller will grow 12-18 inches. At this point, mine was more than two feet tall! See how cutely Ripley poses in front of it? Still unimpressed and almost dismissive- what with the pretty pink flowers having fallen off the cool bush.
That awesome dragonfly plant stake is 2 feet tall. Notice how much bigger the Dusty William is!

But then little cauliflower like buds started appear at the end of the tallest stalks. Weird I thought, but not even noteworthy enough to take a close up of.....

...until they started to bust open in the most glorious yellow color!!
And they just kept blooming and blooming until BLAM! The Dusty William finally claimed it's space on the patio with an explosion of yellow on white beautifulness! No longer a side dish- the Dusty William was a main course!
And though the flowers didn't last long, they did provide a surprising bouquet or two!

Man, I love my Dusty William. It kicks the dusty miller's ass!
I do love the yellow flowers on dusty miller/william!! ....Farmer Jenn oxox
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