Sadly, the pros are CLUCKIN' EXPENSIVE! A trip to the vet this morning (even with me saying I do not want to do any crazy expensive procedures unless it is do it or she dies) STILL cost a billion*. And how did we get there with Driver having the morning off and Ripley too big for the subway? I rented a car, of course! Which in NYC is just under a billion (but still cheaper than a car service both ways). And now I need a nap before the show tonight or I am just going to spend my time on the mic rantin' and ravin'!! BTW- the diagnosis for Ripley? Yep, UTI. (maybe I am good at playing Vet) Needed more antibiotics. As for the limp? Stay the course. Which I would have done without our expensive morning. UGH!
*only a slight exaggeration!
I hear ya hurtin' Jenn. You have my total and complete sympathy.
kisses & hugs...
Thanks, SP! I'll take it! :)
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