A long time ago, an old friend of the family signed up for the army. I sent his very concerned, very proud, very concerned parents a card that said, "Breathe. And know that my parents will never have a chance to understand how you feel!" It was meant to be funny but it was also true. In no universe would I ever join an armed force. My bro? Nope. We don't come from a military family. Frankly, I don't have the stamina. Fight for a loved one in danger? Yep. Drop and give you 20? Hell no. Rumor has it, my Uncle Roger wanted to sign up at one point but had asthma.
My Grandfather was in the war but long before I came along.
Still... how handsome does he look in his uniform?
Like most folks, I think, especially those who don't come from a military family- Memorial Day has become a day off. The close of Fleet Week. A day of good sales. The day you FINALLY get to those pesky errands and the bank/post office is closed. I, myself, am off to the Yankees Game. (Not for the baseball- for the company and the beer!) Which I could say is the great American pastime and thus patriotic, blah, blah, blah but it is just the day Devonne had free tickets. And then this morning, I saw this picture....

And I was suddenly incredibly thankful not only to the men and women who serve but to those who wait and who lose. My parents came home every night. The first time we had a babysitter in the house- it was me, I think. Every night. But so many Dads & Moms are putting kids to bed while worrying about their partner in Iraq. Moms & Dads are going to bed and worrying about their sons and daughters in Afghanistan. Lovers are not going to bed because they are too busy worrying. There is so much for those of us without that worry to be grateful for. And I am. Thank you. So, regardless if you are getting an air conditioner at 25% off or got to the post office and were thwarted or are admiring a sailor in uniform at a bar in Hells Kitchen or are raising a $12 PBR after singing the National Anthem at a Yankees Game-
take a second and be grateful for all of it.
Now.... Play Ball!