#5) This is a pic of me, my bro and my beautiful Nona. I don't really need another reason but....
#4) This pic is circa 1976...Jeff's lapels,
my dress (don't think I don't wish I still had one just like it!!),
the furniture (is that a lime green beanbag in the foreground, you ask? Why yes- I believe it was!), the whole 70s of it all!
#3) That I can still remember how I felt in my Grandparents home and
that makes me feel very blessed!
#2) Jeff has a piece of sporting equipment in hand. We always seemed to have sporting equipment in hand... football helmet, hockey stick, shin guards- sometimes all at once! My 6 uncles can make a sporting event out of ANYTHING
and the number 1 reason I love this particular pic???
#1) My Nona is trying to get Jeff to talk into a microphone. I can't imagine where that tape is or what he was saying but take note of MY FACE!!!
And the fact that my Nona is holding my hand in such a way that indicates
I may have been reaching for said microphone!
Clearly, none too pleased that Jeff was getting mic time!
Some things NEVER change!
Yeah... this photo is pretty priceless on SO many levels!! Thanks for sharing!! Now go grab that mic girl!!
Thanks, Jenny! You know I will! :)
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