When I was in London with my Goddaughter and Sis- we went to the Natural History Museum. Yeah. Yeah. Dinosaurs. Skeletons. Dead Things. HOLD. THE. PHONE!!!!
Rhino Poo In A Box?!!
Apparently, with this tiny box of poo, I can grow a banana tree! And I quote- "gestation time is erratic" so, I wouldn't hold your breath for the banana bread but I have been waiting for the perfect time to plant this gem and my birthday seemed just right!

And there it is! My banana seed in its' poo bed- happy as a clam- being watched over by Little Miss Chatterbox. For the record... it didn't smell. I know, right! It's magic poo. And yes, they also had Reindeer Poo and Elephant Poo but I figured that there was only so many tiny boxes of poo one could get through customs and as we all know.... I love a rhino!
I'll keep you posted!
Happy belated Birthday!
I believe!
Awesome! I'll pass on the banana, though.
Ok, "anonymous" is me, Annie, but I can't log in for some reason. It's me passing on the banana. Heh.
Thanks, SP!! I like to pretend my birthday lasts right thru to Halloween so... it's not belated yet! In my universe, anyway! :)
And Anonymous Annie- you can cut the cheese but you can't pass the banana! (What does that mean? Am I 5 years old?)
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