I have forgiven you the blackout in the height of the summer heat that forced me to sleep with frozen veg whilst they were still frozen. 6 days without power later, I let you back into my house. A) I had no other choice- you are Astoria's power supplier and B) I did have the Waldorf to fall back on since my frozen veg only kept me cool for a couple o' hours without the freezer to re-freeze.
I have forgiven you for frying the wires in my building after a "power surge". I didn't need any of those appliances anyway. And firemen using their Predator-like, heat seeking devices to choose where to pound holes in the wall is always fun. And even with the fear of fire and the smell of smoke hanging in the air- I let you back in my house.
But for reals... Can you come pick up your shit?! Four weeks is long enough for me to look at it- though the clinging leaves and accumulated garbage is a real bonus.
love, jenn
i dOn"t LiKE iT eIthEr.
TweEt !

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