Thus, me being me- I looked up her symbolic meaning... And learned "the mantis comes to us when we need peace, quiet and calm in our lives". I also learned that she "denotes one who is a spiritual hypocrite". And that she is "there to eat bugs. That's it." But I hit the jackpot with this breakdown below... And I found it terribly interesting!! The thing is- I know she is here to eat bugs. She has a fucking lion's share at the BFG Apartment (my Dad thinks I should invite her in!) but to have not seen a Mantis since I worked at Plainville Farms Restaurant Cicero, NY (when one was simply waiting with me on the sidewalk as I waited for some boy) and then to have one living on your patio who continues to make her appearance known to you?? Sorry- this message is from my Grandpa. (My Nona would not send a bug, neither would my Gram). It's as if he is saying, "be still, girl." And I should listen... and maybe find her a bug!
The Praying Mantis
The praying mantis has a great deal of myth and lore associated with it. Its name comes from the manner in which they hold up the forepart of the body, with its enormous front legs, as though in an attitude of prayer.
Martial art forms in China have adopted specific movements of the mantis into their practices. These movements help the student reconnect with their personal chi or energy. The discovery of how energy moves through our body, what it is projecting and where energy blocks are located can be a great aid in healing ourselves. Those with this totem would benefit from prayer, meditation and martial arts.
These amazing creatures serve the earth and her people in various ways. They consume large amounts of insects helping to maintain ecological balance. Excellent hunters with an efficient attack strategy the praying mantis always knows the right moment for attack and for retreat. Time in the linear sense is irrelevant to the mantis. They move according to their inner instincts and remind us to do the same. Moving effortlessly between worlds the mantis is associated with time travel. They help us break out of linear time and move according to our personal bio rhythms.
The praying mantis can remain motionless for an indefinite period. This ability helps them blend with their environment becoming invisible to predators. They hold the secrets of materialization and de-materialzation and awaken this ability in people who hold this medicine. Perception through stillness is part of its teaching.
Patient, perceptive and focused this little totem holds a powerful message. When it appears in your life it is asking you to direct your energy, your thoughts or your actions in a different way. Asking the following questions can give you the insight necessary to motivate appropriate changes. Have I lost patience with a particular situation? Have I been too patient, and if so, has this had a detrimental affect on me? Is my perception correct regarding a situation? Have I become narrow minded? Am I focused on my objective?
I live with a creature who loves to eat massive amounts of bugs when she gets the chance but she also does massive amounts of pukes on my carpet.
nature. it's interesting.
I love it.......prayer..meditation and Martial arts ..KKKYYYYAAAOhm:-)
That being said there were some wonderful things one should reflect on!!
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