So, just a brief run down of my last week or so... Sunday: return (late) from England with overwhelming jumble of feelings though proud of myself Monday: emotional narcolepsy kicks in and I spend the day asleep and feeling gross Tuesday: report to Nannyland after telling my shrink (who just returned from vacation) that I just returned from England (that went well, btw) Ma&Pa Nannyland leave for Georgia Wednesday: First day of high school chaos, prep for first day of middle school (and discussions of state of parental absence)- both endless Thursday: First day of middle school fun, hour long parent orientation for lone non-parent, prep dog for flight, head to airport at 3, leave for Utah (late).... Friday: Wake at 6AM head to SLC airport to return to NYC, arrive at 4ish to wall of anger due to surprise call from Big Brother, hints of Hurricane H delay trip to Hamptons, Saturday: Head to Hamptons stopping to school shop along the way and departing Hicksville in monsoon, arrive Hamptons to find the spare key was not put back and we are locked out, slosh around yard in torrential downpour and break in, fight alarm, snuggle in for showing of classic film, 9 to 5 when power goes out!!!, send text notification that I quit and get denied, forced to kill time at 24 hour grocery store, finally get power back and go to bed at midnight Sunday: forget children's meds (want hitman to take me out at The Golden Pear), homework (why IS history important?), wave of nausea delays departure to outlets, more school shopping, depart for NYC, have scheduled call with Big Brother in which younger siblings have collectively 12 words to say, more homework, bed, vomiting, sleep finally arrives only to be interrupted by child with itchy bug bites/Restless Leg Syndrome, don't kill child but administer Benedryl Monday: school departures, chat with Moms at middle school, water turned off in Nannyland so head to own apartment (map quested it as had forgotten) to see if it was still standing, beautiful bouquet of flowers in entryway, sheer anger boils brain at the unfairness of life that my neighbors who couldn't remember to put the fucking garbage out in the two weeks I was gone get fucking flowers, discover flowers are
FOR ME!!!!!

Tuesday: compare my freedom from Nannyland to emancipation of slaves.
Robb Leigh Davis declares rightfully that I have finally lost my mind!
(and that that speech should open our show- PC, My Ass!),
eat ice cream, smell flowers, SLEEP!
i can't believe i sent you flowers! how thoughtful of me!
you are indeed, the greatest!! :)
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