But hands down, my favorite thing right now is How To Look Good Naked! What a wonderful show! Real women learning to love their bodies AS THEY ARE!!! What a crazy notion! How will the billion dollar diet industry cope?? Seriously, watch it! I have never loved Carson more! (well, I am not sure that I ever actually loved Carson but I do now!) They have women join a line up of other women where they believe they "fit"... NO ONE has got it right! In fact everyone puts themselves WAY to the big end of where they actually are!! Perception is such a bitch and it is amazing how many of us are cozy-ing up to her! BRAVO!!!! I know what you're thinking... But Jenn, you go onstage next to naked all the time! Well, despite my many turns on the stage in less than a full costume, I just made Perception a cup of cocoa and got her a sleep mask! WATCH IT!! The naked truth is, we look as good as we want to! Even if you lose 50lbs, if that Bitch is your bed buddy, it ain't gonna matter! I might work on that.... Until I get it, I am DVRing every episode!! Love, love, love!
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