Anyway, my Dad and I also went to his parents house. Both have been gone for over a year and I must say are probably rolling in horror in their graves! My Uncle Roger (who lives there still) has let the place got to hell! There is a cat that lives in the house (and me with no Benedryl on hand), it hasn't been cleaned in what looks like centuries and the flies... don't get me started on the friggin' flies!! Absolute disgrace. My Uncle, by the way, is a grown man who despite being in the final stages of emphysema, can lift a sponge! Dinner was not a fun affair... 'course by then we had added my Aunt Alice and she is a real treat!
The only positive of that portion of my visit was that just outside the door, was a litter of kittens. Four of them, about four weeks old (my Dad guessed) and ridiculously cute!! They thankfully, balanced out the horror of indoors! (Though they didn't help ye olde allergies!) I can't tell you how much I wanted to take all four home! Instead I took 400 pictures... here are the highlights!
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