Or just sensible??? The Teen Choice Awards are being broadcast this evening and so as I type, Avril is shouting her "Girlfriend" complete with bleeped out "motherf*%$ing princess" line... I am of course watching it because I don't have cable and with only 5 choices, this is the tops for now! But after I just heard the following, I may just watch the football!
This year they have a Horror category! That's right, people- Teen Choice Awards, aimed at 11 year olds, nominating some of the following for awards.... Hostel II, Saw III, 300 (all of which I have seen, Saw III almost made me vomit when the man was being drowned alive in liquefied rotten pig flesh and the sex in 300 was HOT- that chick had some serious knockers and the rape scene was great)!! Don't forget the other Rated R nominees (I would hate to seem anti-horror)- Knocked Up, Borat, The Last Kiss and Justin's big nomination for Alphadog!! "Over 6 Million Viewers Tune in with Record Ratings among Kids 6-11 and Highest Viewership of Tweens Ever"!!! SIX YEARS OLD!!!! (and by Tweens, they mean 9-14)
It is unbelievable to me that the same people that think nothing of letting their kids see a racy PG13 would let them vote on a very horrid R! (And seriously, if Hostel II doesn't deserve an NC17 rating, I don't know what does anymore!) Whenever people wonder why kids are lacking in respect or aren't functioning as well as they could be- don't blame it on the media or lack of Ritalin, blame it on the parents!!! Kids are watching the Teen Choice because Miley Cyrus just introduced an award and the cast of the ridiculously bad High School Musical 2 is up for Crap of the Year and are getting a solid helping of Rated R. "How would we know?", Parents may cry... because the show was taped Sunday, the nominations have been up for weeks, I don't even have cable and I knew it was on! A very quick google would have revealed all they needed to know to put something else on! And don't even get me started on the Choice Hottie category!! As a girl who never has and never will look like winner Jessica Alba, I am about to get out a pint of Double Fudge Brownie and cry in my vodka so I can't even imagine how the average, say 7 year old's self esteem is being stomped on right now!
And the thing is, as I don't even have kids (though I do oft feel like I am raising a whole family) my real complaint is WHAT THE HELL IS LEFT FOR GROWN UPS??? Porn? Is that all there is? Then again, they opened the show by showing host Hilary Duff's Maxim cover! Oh well, I guess we have nothing....
Bring on the football! Now that Ryan Seacrest just won Choice Hissy Fit for his fine turn in the oh, so appropriate for the teen girls screaming for him Knocked Up, I feel ill.
Amen, Sister. I plan on keeping Frank James in his Mr. Birthday shirt from Auntie Jenn for years - - and years, and years- - to come. (Picture soon to follow.) It sucks. The whole thing just sucks. As parents we are armed with our own common sense and desire to communicate with our kids - - let us pray for more of that. Sheesh.
As a parent of a rather articulate female I have to agree that this whole program is in POOOOOR taste. I am a big Kelly Clarkson and Fergie fan...yet it was strange to see some of the young ones singing Fergie's song!!!!hmmm~~
And yet their parents were right there...I can't wait until the rappers come on!! If your are watching at home TAKE the control back....TURN THE CHANNEL PARENTS!!!!!!
um, yeah.
my solution to your woes on this one is sign on for some damn cable, yo.
HBO's Big Love Season 2 Finale was on tonight. it's smart stuff.
oh, and yes, porn is all we have left for adults--and the world going to hell in a handbasket:
i received a picture phone shot of a dude's cock after our second date. AND the dude thought it was a completely reasonable thing to do.
Thanks Girlies!! I think you have hit the nail on ye olde head, Mosh... COMMON SENSE! And Altman- you are so right. Cable would solve my prob! Too bad I live in the only Amish building in Queens and it ain't an option! And, I wouldn't send a picture of my snatch to Matt let alone someone I had basically just met! What is WRONG with people! How's that for articulate, Mum! :)
I agree with Anne- get cable.
And, you're not old, you were just raised right. (I had to trick someone to take me to "Flashdance" when I was a kid and Katie was pissed!)
Look on the bright side, at least the teens of today are well educated...
I don't know what to say, Jenn, but this doesn't make you old, it just makes you smart..... I have to say that I'm honestly scared to be raising a little girl in the world today. How can we protect our children and teach them the values that are important to us (without becoming nutso religious fanatics or something!) when the world will constantly assault them with money, sex, fame, fear and violence? I've never even seen JAWS because it's too scary, for Pete's sake :-) .... I guess we have to hope that we will make good decisions and that those decisions will rub off on those we love (like our babies!) - btw, I'm TOTALLY with everyone who says you should get cable! See you soon??? Marike
How can you admit to Jenn you've never seen Jaws??? I have a feeling you'll be seeing her real soon, with all 4 dvds under her arm. She might even bring the 3-D glasses for that Dennis Quaid 3rd one...
Thank god for my TiVo!!!! My little guy only watches sesame street and Dora - whenever I choose!! I never watch live TV anymore - only what I tell my TiVo to record. It sounds like that will become invaluable as my curious little one grows! I just worry he's going to grow up with the children of all these other idiot parents allowing their kids to watch this crap. Maybe would should make parents get a license before raising kids.
I knew the Jaws thing was a risk, but I just felt it had to be said ;-) and besides (gulp) it's true :-) oops..... :-) M
Miki... I realize it is 11:57PM but I am on my way over! I have 1,2,3 and This Time It's Personal!! Of course, I have to be at the airport at 11 so, you need to be up! We have just enough hours! :) But I appreciate your honesty! And Sandi... I also enjoy those Backyardigans! You know, if you want to widen your TiVo scope but still keep it fun!
Ironically, Backyardigans is definitely on there too. (actually one of the first we started to record). Matthew has blankets, pillowcases, and a dancing Pablo! :-) I just mentioned Dora cuz I figured people would recognize that show more. And we can't forget Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I think I like watching it more than the kids.
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