OPP how can I explain it? I'll take you frame by frame it
As we have been buried under miles of snow for what feels like years, one could barely find anything to begrudge- though I will admit to several bouts of snow blower envy! But now that spring has sprung (fingers crossed) and the snow has melted, I find myself getting a little jeal-ly! And so, in our first O.P.P. post of 2grand11, I give you this...

It is kinda hard to see- as OPP pics are taken ninja style with my cell but while my terra cotta pots were coming apart under the weight of the snow, these super smart MacGyver type folks had a ghetto green house protecting their shit! There are already tomatoes in there, people!! They could have fried green tomatoes for breakfast! (sauce in a couple o' weeks) Flowers are blooming, green is the color of their plants AND my envy, WOW!!!
Take note, Diamond Don- project 876 when you come to play Fix It at the BFG Apartment!
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