sHe wAS rEalLy sIck. iT wAs BOOOrIng. SleEpin' & CoUghIn'. TheN we WeNt To NoNa'S.
UnCLe HerSheY lIvEs tHerE.
We HAd tO BrInG bIScUit to NonA's. AnNOyING.

BuCkY iS DOn dOn'S fRiEnd. He DoeSN't sAy muCH.
ChRisTmaS iS wEirD*.
(*in my defense, or in Christmas's defense really- my Ma & Pa got me this fine get up in case I had to clean the recently revealed upstairs apartment. It is what made me sick, I think. Well, helped. And it was BOOORING being ill the whole week leading up to Christmas. And also bronchially challenging.)
1 comment:
Sorry you were feeling poorly. I hope you are on the mend!
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