Friday, 31 December 2010
Thursday, 30 December 2010
Tuesday, 28 December 2010
mAn, My mAma iS beHinD.
sHe wAS rEalLy sIck. iT wAs BOOOrIng. SleEpin' & CoUghIn'. TheN we WeNt To NoNa'S.
UnCLe HerSheY lIvEs tHerE.
We HAd tO BrInG bIScUit to NonA's. AnNOyING.

BuCkY iS DOn dOn'S fRiEnd. He DoeSN't sAy muCH.
ChRisTmaS iS wEirD*.
(*in my defense, or in Christmas's defense really- my Ma & Pa got me this fine get up in case I had to clean the recently revealed upstairs apartment. It is what made me sick, I think. Well, helped. And it was BOOORING being ill the whole week leading up to Christmas. And also bronchially challenging.)
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Random Goodies!
When you order stuff from Perpetual Kid- you feel like one when you open the package!
My Gnome Has Lost His Head!!
(he has since been fixed!)
How many birdies can you count? They emptied the feeder in under three hours...

Perpetual Kid had ice cube trays that made this happen!! Magical!
And an oldie but a goodie of me & my bro!

Thursday, 16 December 2010
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Someone LOVES The Snow!
Monday, 13 December 2010
Neglecting Your Hungarian Friends At Christmastime?

You can honor many of your friends' traditionally ethnic meals... Goulash for your Hungarian pals. Mayhap spaghetti & meatballs for your beloved EYE-talians? Know some Polish folks? Get 'em a pierogi! Bratwurst, German buddy? Paczki for your, umm... foreign peeps.
Coming soon*
Shrimp on the Barbie for your Aussie brethren
Stolichnaya for the Ruskies in your life
Moo Goo Gai Pan for the Chinamen you adore
*I made that up.
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
My New Favorite Australian.
After getting the book not that you asked by Steve Almond from my girl, Sarah- I was determined to fight her for him. I had to stop reading the book on the subway 'cause I was laughing like a loon. I love when friends give me books I love. Run and buy it. Kindle it. Check it out of your neighborhood library. It is reeeeaaaalllllyyyyy good. I love Steve. I love Sarah.
I also love Jenna. She sent me a link to my new favorite Aussie. As I don't know any Australians- I can actually just call him my very favorite Aussie. This guy is funny, too. And rude. His website is not kid-friendly!! (Or Mom-friendly- if you are my Mom) (a lotta cursing, Mom. You won't like it.)
Jenna sent the link for the Easter piece and the foggot piece- both ridiculous. Then I read the Blockbuster one and the buffed one and almost laughed my computer off my lap. I also immediately clicked on the Magic 8 Ball piece (as I like to let the Magic 8 Ball make as many of my decisions as possible) and I realized my Sis had sent that to me forever ago! So, I really love my Sis, too!!
This post is full of love. You should get in on it by clicking any of the links!! Laugh it up!!
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
Whoever Felt It, Dealt It!
I still have plenty of felt, people! And I love the opportunity to felt me something! And since my girl Eunice just had a beautiful baby boy I had to felt it up!!!
It's harder to get 'er done with Ripley. Felt looks like the world's funnest thing to rip up if you are a puppy but hey... a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!!
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