I called this morning, hoping against hope that they would have some time. And lo and behold, they did. Anthony had a 3 o'clock for me. Now, I have gotten a massage or 6 in my life... Ritz Carlton, Beaver Creek. The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas. Mt. Hood Massage Studio, Welchs (Oregon). That place I lovingly call the "Asian Rape Massage Place", Los Angeles (and that torture only cost me 20 beans!) Anthony could kick all their asses!!! He takes the cake!!! Sweet Mother of Hagen Daaz- he is the bees' knees!!
Anyone who knows me knows- I need a firm hand. But there is a fine line between firm and OUCH (bad ouch, not good ouch). And though there is always room for gentle, there is nothing worse than a wussy massage. UGH! Again- I could go on and on and on about the skill of Anthony! Love. Love. Love.
And just in case the amazing massage doesn't sell you- I chatted with Anthony's wife- yoga guru and all around fab-o babe, Ann-Margaret- for an hour!! AN HOUR! That's how cool she is!! I absolutely wanna produce a joint yoga/comedy night there! Ann-Margaret leads some yoga for 30 minutes to lighten your bodies and then we break out some wine and some laughs to lighten your soul! Who's in?!
Plus, the studio is gorgeous. The prices are insane-ly awesome. And the vibe is so awesome that I may actually take a yoga class!! No. Really. Can you tell that I am in love with the whole package, people?! I haven't fell this fast, this hard since... well, since Mr. Tim. I can't wait to go back. I may become a stalker. Like I might have to take up yoga so that I don't look like I am stalking Anthony!
The studio is immediately off the N/W train (though you wouldn't guess from inside as I heard not a whistle) so all you folks that stopped listening after Astoria should go back and read again!
Here's the website in case you need more convincing but seriously- I would not lead you astray! (at least not when it comes to massage!)
1 comment:
Oh my~~~~ I wish I lived closer!!!!! Enjoy your new Yoga/body/mind place!!..BUT...
Please add to your list of places...The fabulous Turning Stone Casino and the lovely Mirabeau Inn and Resort:-) oxoxo
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