...even though there is a part of me that will always be saddened by my loss, that will always hold an empty bit of space, that I am still sad... I decided today it was time. Time to move on. To find someone new. And it didn't take long. He is handsome and steadfast. Willing to have only me. And best of all, he has to stay. He can't leave me. He can't change his mind.
By all accounts, he only remembers stuff long enough to make it around the bowl...
Peeps. Meet my new love, Pocket. Pocket- welcome to the blog!

Pocket is PERFECT!!!! Love his color~~~ Enjoy him!!:-)
Thanks!! I love him.
You forgot to mention - - Pocket is totally HOT! He's smokin! Bring it, Pocket! Ok, that's enough.
He did enjoy swishing his tail for his photo shoot! Dirty...
doodle is intrigued. i wont bring her over. or it's pocket-b-gone.
Abby just said " Weshould get a fish just like Auntie Jenn and name it Flowery Butterfly." She also just said "Can we giggle about Pocket?" "Pocket is a funny name."
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