Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Saturday, 25 April 2009
A Life Lesson
I was walking to the N train and spied Geoffrey Rush (who smiled at me) and Orlando Bloom walking from Exit The King which stars Mr. Rush. Bloom was mobbed with people. He was on the phone and people were swarming him like No See Ums on a golf course in CNY in August. Not paparazzi, just normal people trying to get his picture and Orlando just carried on as if they were not there.
Geoffrey was completely alone. I think he smiled at me because I, realizing who he was, smiled at him. He also STANK like patchouli. This is not a smell I enjoy and it was swarming him like No See Ums on a golf course in CNY in August.
And there is your life lesson, folks.... If you are a celebrity who wants to be left alone, swim in patchouli first. I really think Orlando would have benefited from this lesson. Maybe after he reads this (Hey Orly!), he will know better!
Seriously, Watch This!

Thursday, 23 April 2009
Monday, 20 April 2009
Hey Ladies!!

Saturday, 18 April 2009
Friday, 17 April 2009
Up to My Neck in Pretty Princesses!!
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
This is a Pupa Cu L'Ova!
Pupa cu l'ova is Italian for Eggs in a Basket. Traditionally, this recipe is made with anise seed but I am just not a fan of seeds in my cookie/bread. Or nuts. Or onions. These treats almost become a sweet bread, wrap basket style around a colored hard boiled egg. And I don't just mean the brown ones... When I say colored I mean DYED! That was the part I rememer doing. Coloring the eggs. And then Nona would wrap the egg in the dough and bake 'em up nice and we would hunt for our eggs and then break off the cookie and eat, eat, EAT!
And so, because everyone needs to feel Italian sometimes (and they are friggin' GOOD)... make some Pupa Cu L'Ova! Hell, serve 'em with Ebelskivers... I did! (We also had Canadian Bacon- It was a very International House of Easter!)
So... Oven 350*
Then add 1/2 Cup melted orange juice concentrate (like the ones in the freezer)
1/3 Cup anise seed (as discussed, no seeds for me! I went with 3Tbls-ish of almond extract)
1 Cup warm water
Get your hands in their and mix it up nice!

You roll out pieces of dough to form a rope and then coil the rope around itself, making a basket. Put the egg (not lotion!) in the basket. Make a handle! Remember- you need some pre-dyed and hard boiled eggs!

Bake on lightly greased baking sheet until lightly brown (about 15 minutes)

When cooled, drizzle with a glaze frosting (a little confectioners sugar, some vanilla, a little water or milk. My Mom stirred in some of the orange juice concentrate... YUM!) Sprinkle with sprinkles! (unless you are without sprinkle and then, don't)
Monday, 13 April 2009
He Came. He Saw. He Conquered!

Sunday, 12 April 2009
Saturday, 11 April 2009
The Lord Giveth...

Friday, 10 April 2009
This is an Ebelskiver.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Monday, 6 April 2009
In Case You Are Unaware...
...this is my favorite band right now. Not of all time. But they are so on their way! I could listen to this song (and their whole clucking album) over and over and over! Frankly, there is no "could" about it. I do. Listen to his voice soar in the final chorus, I love it. And the lyrics? Don't even get me started... "What am I supposed to say when I am all choked up that you're ok?" Yeah. Exactly. The Man Who Can't Be Moved. Before The Worst. If You See Kay. LOVE!!!
Check the iTunes, peeps. You won't be sorry. Now if they would just get their sweet Irish asses stateside... I could go see them live! Who's in?!
I Adore Graham Norton.
Adore, people. Adore. And on this past Saturday's episode with the yummy to gay men and teen girls, Zac Efron and the ever HIlarious, David Walliams... they play Mortified! Inspired by Zac's new flick, 17 Again, and horrified by the plot that at 37, Chandler's life is OVER and thus he must do it again... they take a little trip down audience memory lane!
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Once Upon a Patio...

Saturday, 4 April 2009
Friday, 3 April 2009

Thursday, 2 April 2009
It's time.