upon my return from Nannyland Spring Break, I needed to catch up on my "stories". And I have many a response.... In order to not be accused of any sort of spoiler, I will do my best to talk in code.
1. I have a new crush and it's Jesse James. I also think Dennis Rodman is on the wrong reality show... Heads up, RuPaul- he is ready to start his engine! And in dire need of a bitch slap.
2. Speaking of Ru- CAMAROOOON! Glasscock can suck it.
3. Bret Michaels is a skank. Charming and funny but still a skank. How come no one wants to ride the bus with Big John?
4. Benny Ninja is my ANTM right now. These girls be ti-red.
5. Idol with 4 judges also blows.
6. Although I am sad to identify with the 38 yr old, Tough Love is almost too tough for me. Because it hurts. As the truth does. So do the retarded corny lines like "blossom like a flower". Whatevs.
7. Somehow I didn't DVR Hells Kitchen? WHAT?! Thank God I have other Gordon on the DVR.
8. IS it wrong that I am not the least bit offended by the Pres and his crack about the Special Olympics? Why is his "slip" so grave? Especially as our last contestant/President couldn't have bested any competitor in the Special Olympics of Talking.
9. I miss the Tools.
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