On Saturday, we gave thanks for so many things- the popper coming up, the brave ringleader of the cuteness fest, a stunning feast and most importantly... each other! I am beyond thankful for my dear Hanna for easily 8,456 things (and that's just this year) but at the top of my list right now is my "Cornell In-Laws"!! Without her, I wouldn't know Amy and Shannon and Eunice and Marike and I am so blessed and thankful for their friendship! And if their four little cuties can't make a gal feel the bounty of goodness that they haveand give thanks for... well, I don't know what would! (And don't even get me started on William....)
FYI- Number two on the list is her Cranberry Sauce!
I took some home and have since put it on oatmeal, dipped a scone in it, and added it to booze!
Good friggin' stuff!
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