Sunday, 30 November 2008
Friday, 28 November 2008
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Ahh, Snapfish...

Almost Made Me Spit Out My Beverage!

Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Did He Really Want To Hurt Him?
The former Culture Club frontman, being tried under his real name George O'Dowd, made contact with 29-year-old Audun Carlsen over the Internet and the pair arranged to meet for a pornographic photo shoot, the Press Association reported.
Snaresbrook Crown Court in east London heard how the meeting appeared to be going well until O'Dowd started to suspect Carlsen of hacking into his computer.
But they parted on good terms and the singer paid the younger man 300 of the 400 pounds they had agreed.
Over the next few weeks, they exchanged emails in which the singer accused Carlsen of breaking into his computer system and the pair also disagreed over the naked pictures.
But in later emails, O'Dowd said he would like to see Carlsen naked and they agreed to meet for a second time.
It was during this encounter that O'Dowd appeared to "take matters into his own hands," prosecuting lawyer Heather Norton said, and chained up the younger man.
Carlsen told the court that a second man helped hold him down while O'Dowd beat him.
"George was slapping me and beating me and punching me and screaming things," he said.
And on Sunday...

CUTENESS Cornucopia!!

Sunday, 23 November 2008
True Blood...
Saturday, 22 November 2008
No Longer a Virgin!
But there was one mission I had chosen to accept, one boundary I hadn't crossed, a cherry to still be popped and I am happy to report that.... yesterday, for the first time in 12 years, one month, and one day (I am almost positive)- I dropped off my laundry for someone else to do!!!!!
That's right! Yesterday, I picked up my sparkling, clean whites- all of them folded. Apparently, one can fold a fitted sheet after it has been taken out of it's packaging... who knew?? And I made my bed and slept like a bear in winter! (though that may have been the emotional exhaustion of the last few days + red wine + Advil PM) I may have dropped them off like a guy buying his first box of condoms ("um, just looking. So, I will take a 50cent box of Tide, some dryer sheets, oh, and how did these get in here?! Well, I'll just take them...") but I picked them up with glee! So, thank you, Lovely Ladies of Laundry for being the most sparkling, freshest scented, lowest cost first EVER!
Friday, 21 November 2008
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Everytime he speaks...
Make Mine A Double!

Amount of sanity that seems to be flying out the window as the hour of his UHaul approach approaches? Seemingly all of it.
Wanting a HUGE cocktail (or 12) to kick off the day and get ready for 5 of his AA pals to invade my home with furniture and my new lodger? PRICELESS!
(or problematic... you pick!)
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
I Want A Shed!
MEH! My bahookie is so aerobicized 'cuz I was crunkin' hardcore in my hoodie to his phat guitar riffage workin' off all this frustration I gots 'cuz of the blowback from this election and shit!
*for the record- zombie has been a word for some time now but a new definition has been added! Something to do with computers... Whatevs! The zombies in this pic are old school zombies! WORD!
As of Thursday...
Monday, 17 November 2008
Happy Monday!

(This is a a Damascene Goat fathered by Saudi Arabia's most famous sire, Volcano. And though female goats got to attend, females did not! In addition to the four legged beauties, the fellas were treated to fireworks and a competition for the Best Poem praising the goat.)
(I wrote an Ode To The Whammy, once. I believe it started- "Whammy, oh whammy"... I won nothing as the show went off the air soon after. I'd have taken a goat!)
Saturday, 15 November 2008
Avenging Unicorns!!
Friday, 14 November 2008
Thursday, 13 November 2008
I Interrupt This Blog...
We the people. To this very day I remain perplexed as to whom the founding fathers believed they were fooling. Elementary-aged children still learn of them as freedom-loving rebels, escaping the tyranny of British rule to establish a free society, which guaranteed liberty & equality as God-given birthrights of every human being.
Of course, we’ve known for some time that the freedoms they so valiantly championed belonged solely to their mirror image. Not the slaughtered natives, enslaved Africans, or women in their midst. Simply white men. And, had they possessed knowledge of the income to be generated by the Industrial Revolution, membership to their club would have another caveat: Wealthy White Men Only Need Apply.
My pre-collegiate years were spent expressing vocal disapproval at having to exalt a group of misogynistic, ethnic-cleansing slave-traders in a paternal way: though their blood and semen is, undoubtedly, deeply embedded in my family tree. Yet, as I took issue with their hypocrisy, I was consistently drawn to the key words of their principled stand: We the people. A statement selectively strung through the polemics of pundits, preachers and politicos professing to abhor discrimination and bias.
However, bigotry is alive and well in America. Not just of the noose variety, or the kind that demonizes present-day immigrants while ignoring the reality that – save for the enslaved Africans brought here against their will – nearly every citizen of this country is descended from an immigrant in search of the American dream. The bigotry that exasperates me is the double-speak of candidates and President-elects as they show their true colors in the most politically correct of ways.
Q: Do you support equal marriage rights for gay and lesbian citizens?
A: I support civil unions.
Q: But do you support the right for gay and lesbian citizens to be married just as heterosexual couples are?
A: I believe, and my religion tells me, that marriage is an institution for men and women, but I support full equality in the form of civil unions blah blah blah…
Excuse me, but…what the fuck? This is a joke, right? No matter the beauty of your rhetoric, or the stylizing of its overwrought delivery, what you’re saying is, “While we’re both citizens of the country, I’m entitled to certain rights and privileges that you are not.” Reprehensible.
Is there not one moderator or journalist with the acumen to reference the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution? Have we, as a culture, pleaded amnesia in regards to Brown vs. The Board of Education? Or, does the silence of the allegedly liberal mainstream media imply that overturning Plessy vs. Ferguson was an error?
By lineage, I’m a descendant of the fields and farms of Alabama and North Carolina, passionately connected to the American South and the myriad Black aspect of the nation’s culture. I know of midnight conversations where grown folks discussed the way it was: police dogs and full-throttle fire hoses as an acceptable means of democratic order.
History has taught me that it was the judicial system and the tenacity of activist judges that led to the eradication of these practices, acknowledging the disparity of American life. Without them I very well could still be legally banished to the back of the bus, drinking from a separate fountain and urinating in facilities deemed appropriate for my use.
Yet today, a few weeks away from the year 2009, separate but equal is being resurrected, damn near championed, as the norm. Politicians feel utterly at ease expressing the notion that Americans who are gay are deserving of equality, so long as it’s couched in acceptable terminology. And if that’s the case, I’m left to believe my ancestors were granted equality as the result of a clerical error.
Perhaps the judicial system should have adopted a second-class jargon. Perhaps white Americans should have retained the right to “vote,” but Blacks granted “Negroes-go-a-pollin’ day.” This way the majority class could retain a superior terminology. Surely God wouldn’t have approved of Coloreds being accorded respect, since everyone knows that treating them as equals would lead to the collapse of civilization. “Silly niggers, votin’s for white people.”
As a gay Black man alive in contemporary America, I recognize myself as a warrior against discrimination just as my elders and ancestors railed against in the past. And, as I move through the streets of L.A., witnessing the fallout over Prop 8 and similar state-wide measures attempting to adjust their constitutions, I veer between disdain and rage that our President-elect – an individual whose identity was historically dismissed as second-class and unworthy of the right to cast a vote, let alone ascend to the highest political office in the land – can run on a platform that advocates discriminatory practices no matter how politically correct the terminology or eloquently presented speeches he crouches behind.
This isn’t about same-sex marriage leading to marriage rights for zoophiles, and I’d like to propose a national bitch slap day for the next foolhardy politician or clergyperson daft enough to continue making such asinine and offensive comparisons. This isn’t about churches or the personal beliefs of the candidates and their religious advisors. This is about holding certain truths to be self-evident: that equality under the law is guaranteed to me by birthright as a member of “We the people.” And while I understand politics and the doublespeak built into it, in 2008 I also comprehend human decency. Fair is fair. Period. At 35 years old, my interest in baby steps died three decades ago.
So to the President- elect and his visionary administration my question remains as it’s been since the announcement of your candidacy. “Do you stand for equal rights, or not?”
Because I know change. And, if you don’t champion my equality, then from where I stand you, sir, are no agent of change. Simply more of the same.
* Robb Leigh Davis is a writer living in Los Angeles.
I Want A Secret Service Code Name!!
(I Google Imaged "Radiance" for a pic... turns out, this stone is called radiance! Wouldn't have been my first image choice but I like the covertness of it all....It has all the duality a Code Name should have!!)
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
We Have A Winner!!!
And so, I have sniffed the sniffs and smelled the smells. And though a very close second is Philosophy Amazing Grace and I really enjoyed Lavanila Vanilla Grapefruit... I really enjoy feeling like a Princess! Or smelling like one, as the case may be. It is sheer and floral and fruity and whimsical and oak-y (no, that's a chardonnay) anyway... I LOVE IT!! It appears I am playful, unpredictable and fearless!!
Of course, now I wanna try another Scent Box but I will wait a bit, I think! And just in case I feel like changing my mind... I have many, many ounces to try again!
Sunday, 9 November 2008
All you can do is pick yourself up, off the shower floor, wrap yourself in a towel and cry. Weep for what isn't. Weep until the trembling subsides and you wait for the next wave. Hope exhaustion catches you in the meantime. Hear the voices in your head telling you to breathe.... and try to listen. You know time heals. You know you have to own the loss before you can let it go.
Sometimes, there isn't enough strength to bear the weight. And hollow, you take to your bed. Hoping you have poured enough of the poison out to let sleep take you.
The Demise of Mr. Flamingo
Saturday, 8 November 2008
And Speaking of SYTYCD....
....this was the very clip that sent me ass over tea kettle for Cat Deely! (I was LONG gone over Twitch by then!)
Friday, 7 November 2008
So, You Think You Can Blur...
The Finale. Start at the end, that's what I always say!
The blue-ish, white-ish blur is Joshua, this season's winner! Can you say HEIGHT?! Mark
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
I love me some Rachel Maddow...
I Got Me A Lodger!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Monday, 3 November 2008
However, next in line was Lavinala Laboratories Vanilla Grapefruit. It is the first one I have wanted on for two days! And it was a hit with the women of Nannyland. It is an all natural perfume combining grapefruit, lime, cedarwood and Madagascar vanilla. "Sweetly seductive and kissed by sunshine"... Amen! Sometimes, vanilla is toooo much but the grapefruit/lime really cut it nicely. Like a slice of lime in an Absolut Vanilla & coke. It is definitely a contender for my free full size bottle!! I filled the atomizer with it! That's how much I like! But in fairness.... Tomorrow- it's you and me, Marc Jacobs!
In the meantime, I am going to sniff my wrist.