Ahhh, Tasmin Archer (who I oft confuse with Toby Lightman evidently). So, say you have been prescribed a pill to make you sleepy. To make sleep easier. Say instead you now lay awake to 4AM but are also anxious and sad to boot. Do you boot the drug and stick to pilfered Ambien and Advil PM?? Because here in Nannyland... 4 hours sleep is not enough!
I moyself enjoy the hug-it-out approach. Every time I can't sleep, like say, EVERY NIGHT, I give my therapist a ringy ding. After a couple of nice visits, I get 4 hours intstead of 2. Not bad. Seriously, though, ditch the drug. Before you know it you'll be eating Twinkies and making threats. :) Love to my sleepless girl!
Heathe Ledger would say..."stay away from the script drugs....too many are BAD for you!"
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