"Women have started to become lovers of each other as a result of not having enough men." --Usher
Yeah, that's it Usher. Thank the Lord you have uncovered the truth. As with most things.... MEN don't have jack to do with it! And yet still they manage to make it all about them. Fascinating. I wonder, if in Usher's esteemed wisdom, about places with a higher men to women ratio if the reverse holds true. Rewrite the science books people... it ain't nature or nurture its just numbers!
Actually, this is exactly what happened with us....we were just hanging out at the mall, looking for men, and we couldn't find ANY. So then I looked at her, and she looked at me, and we both said "well, why the hell not?!"
If there had only been more MEN!
That's what you get for hanging around at the end of the mall with Claire's, Lerner and Bath and Bodyworks! If only you had been in the end with those wacky, tacky gift shop places! :)
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