From waking up to a gentle snow (and a romp with Hershey) to massages to fun with penguins at the Casino... It was indeed a Merry Day at our house! Hope it was at yours, too!!

A sweet & sassy broad's adventures both at home and well, abroad! From Cornwall to Astoria- this broad always gots something to say!
Creator of - will you be my new best friend?? Go! Read them ALL! Wish for more... You will just laugh and laugh!
MEH! My bahookie is so aerobicized 'cuz I was crunkin' hardcore in my hoodie to his phat guitar riffage workin' off all this frustration I gots 'cuz of the blowback from this election and shit!
*for the record- zombie has been a word for some time now but a new definition has been added! Something to do with computers... Whatevs! The zombies in this pic are old school zombies! WORD!