We then returned home to watch the rugby. Now, I only know a bit about rugby but Matt has a real love for the sport that was definitely encouraged by his Dad! Yesterday, England beat Samoa and today New Zealand kicked Scotland's ass. Here are my observations about today's game:
1) Scotland's uniform is a very dark navy blue. New Zealand's is black. They looked terribly similar- almost too much! When they are all huddled up in their little scrums, it is very difficult to tell who is on what team. Both aesthetically and for the ref, I have issues with this. Of course, I felt a bit girlie pointing it out to Matt until the half when it was the hot topic amongst the announcers!! I am sure that Chris Berman would have been on my side, too!
2) Scotland is called Scotland. England, England. Samoa... no clue. BUT New Zealand has a nickname! They have always been known as the All Blacks. This seems a bit, how shall I say- un PC of NZ! My high school teams were known as the Redmen (not rugby as we didn't have one of those but everything else!) and are currently the Red Hawks. The Salmon was a suggestion if I remember correctly, but was quite rightfully denied! So, not only is the entire team not black, they do wear black and grey so there is no good reason for this... plus no one else gets a nick name why is that fair? England Bulldogs?? Scottish Terriers?? Samoan... Whatevs!
3) The All Blacks do a fine dance at the top of every match. Terribly steeped in tradition, it looked like something out of Stomp The Yard (except for the lack of well, blacks). Good fun though and very intimidating. Found this picture of it on their website... hoping youtube might also shed some light! It is called The Haka.
4) Rugby players are terribly tough and handsome. Not all of them but a few are well easy on the eyes! Of course, I was barely looking, what with Matthew being all I can see and all but if I was looking, I may have noticed All Black back Dan Carter...
And those are my rugby observations for the day. Going to make some dinner down and trick Matt into watching Stomp The Yard now that I have discovered its rugby influences! It might work, but I ain't holding my breath!!
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