Here in England, they make liberal use of the roundabout. Now, I know that here and there in America, we have roundabouts. The town of Riverhead on Long Island is entered via a roundabout. But mostly, we just have corners. When I first drove here, the right of way on a roundabout had me literally, going in circles for hours!
In Gloucester, there is a large roundabout with 5 offshoots in well, 5 directions. This is not unusual. What IS unusual about this roundabout or more specifically, the Island in the center of it, is that it is inhabited by easily 20 bunnies. And if you can see 20... there are probably 40 more on the way!! Bring on the Barry White! I can't help but wonder how they got there. Matt has theorized that someone abandoned their pet bunnies there and they just have everything they need to make a good life for themselves. I like to think of it as all a bit more magical. And that the bunnies just appeared there and have been enjoying life. Of course, I assume one rogue bunny will soon want to know if there is life beyond the Island. All she has to do is avoid the circling monsters and FREEDOM! Sadly, what she doesn't realize is that unless she needs paper and toner, Staples ain't offering her the carrot pasture of her dreams.... It is all a bit Chicken Run meets Bug's Life for me!! Stay tuned... for further adventures from Bunny Island!!
PS... they may not look like much, but we had to circle and circle to get these pics... and then we had to pull over and vomit.
Crap! I can't remember my google name. That was a total fluke the other day.
Anyway, in the continuing series of coincidences, just yesterday Chris was saying he wanted to eat rabbit. (Hassenpfeffer was a question on a trivia game, don't ask) I thought of Don (and Tommy) immediately. Then you pop up with this tale. It's all very full circle.
Miss ya'
I'll see your bunny weirdness and take it a step further... The Koks just emailed to let me know they are in Germany! Hassenpfeffer, my foot! :)
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