Tuesday, 30 June 2009
This is My New Boyfriend.

Friday, 26 June 2009
Things I Have Learned in the past 72!
Fudgie The Whale looks good on a stick.
(Carvel - Bridgehampton, NY)
Wearing flip flops to a horse show could end badly.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Monday, 22 June 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Friday, 19 June 2009
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Enough With The Rain, Already!!!
Now I didn't take a pic of my own because I couldn't bear to bring the little guy ashore as his cilia and tiny sucker mouth were feeling creepy enough in the water. And I figured- soon enough, some star fish would suck him dry and he would wash up on the Oregon Coast for Eli to gather up (spoiler alert- gratuitous Eli pics coming up)
Monday, 15 June 2009
I Love A Boozy Monday!!

5) Nurse Jackie (WATCH IT!)
And finally, as I was headed to JFK to pick up Jason from his Virgin America flight... (which requires me to wait in the Virgin arrivals lounge- not hard at all, for the record. My favorite lounge, actually. Doesn't bring up a thing, really.)... a rainbow shone out over the airport. And in my head, Jason arrived on that- an image that had me laughing out loud! If you squint, I swear you can almost see Jason...
Sunday, 14 June 2009
Saturday, 13 June 2009
My Favorite Cookie...

And I had a lovely cocktail to go with it! Because if you are going to have cookies for dinner, why not have a Rasberry Mojito chaser?! Especially if it's made with fresh mint from the Patio!

Thursday, 11 June 2009
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Tuesday, 9 June 2009
THE Moment.
Monday, 8 June 2009
...it's like a Slanket but with an absorbtion bonus! And only $19.95? What else can I wear with cunning use of sleeve technology?!
Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back
Coqui! Coqui!
Ahh, Puerto Rico. Hear the sounds of the coqui frog. And if you listen real goods- the ocean.
BTW... it is the coqui male that sings this tune- all night long apparently. He is the Lionel Richie of the frog kingdom. He is also about the size of a dime. The male also guards the eggs and then hangs for a few days post-hatch to keep an eye out. That's a good man. The babies- which must be the size of pinheads- skip the tadpole stage and hatch directly from the eggs as tiny but fully functional froglets! Muy cool.
Now, an old man making this sound on a jam packed airplane to entertain his three toddler relations that someone thought should sit together sans-adult in the row behind me is NOT muy cool. He is an a-hole. But proud of his ko kee sound making skills. Again... coqui? Cool. A-hole? Not cool.