As some of you may have heard, two trips to Matt ago- I bought 4 Cadbury Magical Elves in the Boots at Heathrow as I was waiting for my flight home. One for me- as I had never had one- and one for each of the kiddos of Nannyland! They are Cadbury Dairy Milk and Pop Rocks in the shape of a Christmas elf. The good news- they are DELICIOUS!!! The bad news- for the kiddos of Nannyland, that is- is that they never saw one! I ate all four on the flight and then was mad that I didn't buy more! They are the perfect Christmas treat! Sparkly and chocolaty and difficult to find! The latter I discovered on my last trip to Matt ago. I looked everywhere... because, of course, I told the kiddos of Nannyland how fantastic the treats I almost brought them were! I am not the kindest nanny sometimes. The Magical Elf was no where to be found!! I hunted high and low, in everywhere store laden with Christmas goodies and even those without. It was like craving a Peep in the summer back in the days when Peeps were just an Easter treat! The world was so bereft of Elves that last trip, that I began asking shopkeepers about them just to prove I hadn't dreamed them. And the people said, "Oh, yeah, Cadbury Elves- they are fantastic!" But no one had any.
Fast forward to yesterday... Matt and I have taken a road trip and decided to make it even more interesting by stopping in the adorable town of Taunton. Neither of us had ever been, we were headed to Butlins (bypassing Sheppy's Cider Farm because Matt does not understand the allure of the cheesy road side stop- YET!)... and Taunton drew us in! It was lovely. They had some home grown shops as well as the normal high street affairs and a Craft Fair in the works and the scent of fresh made Christmas Mince Pies in the air... at least around the local bakery/restaurant/store!! In we went as Matt declared that once I had a fresh mince pie, I would never go back! (And I will admit that with a cup of tea, it was quite tasty!)
With no hope, I looked over the sweets selection in the shop- drawn in by the yummy looking chocolate hedge hogs on display- and there... one box... of CADBURY MAGICAL ELVES!!! YAHOOO! I lit up like a mouthful of Pop Rocks and Matt was a tad embarrassed but swept up in my excitement, bought me 10 Elves!! (I wanted the remainder of the box... but Matt wasn't that swept up!) And so, with utter delight, we ate mince pies and drank tea in bed and then savoured the magic that is a Cadbury Magical Elf with all the glee and love of the holiday season! Fingers crossed, any of them make it home!