Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Monday, 29 October 2007
Sunday, 28 October 2007
And on the shopping day, they rested.

The funniest thing?? Upon leaving the train station, we saw twelve grown men dressed as Smurfs. Blue body paint, white hats... One was Smurfette. She waved to us. And as we pulled away, we saw Papa Smurf coming out of the station hotel. Not entirely sure as to the whys or the wheres of this gaggle but there were a lot of laughs.
1, 2, 3 o'clock, 4 o'clock Rock...

Saturday, 27 October 2007
Mole, Glorious Mole!

I stumbled upon this book many moons ago and for a long time could not recall the name of the author! And then, oh happy day, I found it in a Barnes and Noble!! Quite by accident, as it was. In America, the book is titled The Little Mole Who Goes in Search of A Whodunit,
but it is the exact same book! (Why, the renaming?? Why?!)
Anyway, it is the charming tale of a Little Mole, who upon sticking his head out of his hole to welcome the day, finds himself poo'd upon! He proceeds to go around to all the farm animals in search of Whodunit! As each animal poos for him, the Little Mole finds no clues as to Whodunit. Thankfully, the flies come along and give the poo on his head a nibble and let him know... (spoiler alert)... it was the dog! At which point, in a fine lesson for children, the Little Mole poos on the dog's head and satisfied, returns home. So much for turn the other cheek... whichever end is up! The book was on the bestseller list in its home country of Germany for many years
after it was released in 1989.
At long last, for all our enjoyment, they have released a "Plop Up" edition! Complete with things to pull and turn and enjoy!! It is as wrong as it sounds. Matt and I love it! (Well, Matt loves it because I said so... So, perhaps "love" is too strong a word for him...) I have purchased several copies! Can anyone else say... Christmas?! Of course, when you open it you will know Whodunit-
even without the poo!!
Friday, 26 October 2007
Tragic. The whole damn thing.

OK... obviously, I have an opinion on this case. I don't believe sleeping children should be left alone. EVER! And that statement gets stronger the younger the children get. 3 sleeping toddlers? EVER! I don't believe that intentionally giving a child a larger dose of a medicine will ever excuse leaving them. I don't believe that 7 or 8 drunk adults had the wherewithal to check on the children they left alone, in a room, in Portugal every 15 minutes. And I think that there are hundreds of thousands of missing children out there (that have gone missing before and after Madeline) that are being left alone because they are not adorable and from wealth. How fast can you say JonBenet Ramsey?? The first thing I discussed with the three children I am a major influence on was a) how sad and scary and b) how we need to take responsibility for those things that should be most precious to us by NEVER leaving them alone.
For the record, if my child was missing, I would be rabid in my attempts to get that child back. My life would serve no other purpose. I get that. What upsets me is societies ability to latch onto a project as if to redeem itself from those projects that have been shelved. Which is fine if we are talking about cross stitch. And to place a sketch of what a nondescript man would look like carrying a child in her pajamas... How is this helpful? To anyone. Least of all that lovely little missing child? There is a giant lesson in this case and it isn't the danger lurking from nondescript men in foreign countries. And I only hope that the McCanns realize it before their twins get any older.
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Horse Chestnut lovers... Get Excited!!

And you can own one of your very own for only $350!!
$350 for a porcelain horse chestnut sculpture?!?!
Now, that's (chest)nuts!!
Ahhh, Anthony's Song!
I'm MOVIN' OUT, people!
Long have I desired to look upon the faces... wait, that's Aragorn.
Long have I desired to move, as many of you know. Between my weird bug buddies and the long walk to the train and the lack of CABLE!... I have thought of it again and again but I do love my apartment and it's price and so I have stayed... But with the promise of a new roommate (sometime before 2009, fingers crossed)- it's time.
Oh, and did I mention my landlords are NUTS!! I am talking Insane in the Membrane here. In addition to be the angriest I-talian in all of Queens (he shouts at everything that moves) (including his wife) (and small children and Matt), he is a terrible land lord. Sure the building is clean, but he is cheap and insists on doing all work himself. For example, when ConEd burned up our wires, he replaced lighting fixtures and in the process trashed my apartment! Also, my doorknob barely works and I have been locked IN!! God forbid, there's a fire. He also throws the mail away at will. Can you say federal offense?? I am just really over giving them my money. And I want cable.
So, here is my question (to the tens of millions who read this fine blog)... do I give notice on Dec. 1 and include the request that they use my deposit as my last month?? I understand from varying sources, that they do not give deposits back... regardless, of the tenant or the state of the apartment. Even the real estate peeps said to do this! I was prepared to chalk it up as a loss but now... I'm not. So, do I just hope for the best or be pro-active in a way that may or may not cause problems?? For the record, they are almost always nice to my face.
My apartment is in excellent condition. Doorknob aside (which ain't my fault... it broke when he replaced the doorknob's innards)... I have re-caulked the tub, I fill all holes I make when I hang stuff, I replace my own light bulbs (even the ceiling ones) and I have (almost) always paid the rent on time... for FIVE YEARS. Oh, and since the end of my first lease, I have been living month-to-month. In my opinion, there is no reason I shouldn't get my deposit back but...
he is a tiny, angry, dickwad of a man.
And thus I ask.... What would you do???
Monday, 22 October 2007
Mono Not Mono on One's Birthday...

when you are ill and dying of Mono Not Mono, that is!
And as an added bonus...
I get to have birthday blood drawn today.
I better get a stupid birthday lollipop.
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Let's Go England!! (clap, clap, clapclapclap)

Jonny Wikinson (a back) is tough as nails and getting the Big Guy on his side!
Why does this matter to me? We don't have rugby in America... Well, I got two words for you- The and Gambler. That's right, the team has adopted The Gambler as their song (not entirely sure that they have listened to the whole song though) and Kenny Rogers himself has sent a note of support! If Kenny Rogers believes in them... YOU SHOULD, TOO!! So, say it with me, People...
Friday, 19 October 2007
Bugs, Bladerunner, and Bastards!

After a delightful turn of events in the morning (I was excused from jury duty due to mono! FINALLY!!) and a nice long nap... I decided to embark on a mono-induced journey! Dinner and a movie. Seemed safe enough- no contact sports, unlikelyhood of a karate chop to the spleen (no matter how frustrated James gets with talking, he has never thrown a kick fast as lightning!), a movie I had seen so falling asleep, not a huge issue!
Dinner was nice enough but the movie turned disastrous. It is difficult to feel good when you are so far beyond a fashion don't that you are a fashion don't care and to enter a Ziegfeld packed with oddballs was just disconcerting! The fella to my left was the loudest breather EVER and clearly had had some bratwurst for dinner that didn't settle well! The couple in front of me were making out like teenagers from a bad movie- all head twisting and sound effects. The movie was nowhere near as good as I remembered.
But worst of all... we get our seats and with a "I like my hot grease", the folks to our right went out for popcorn. Upon their return, I stand (as is usual to let the two gentlemen pass) and one of the rat bastards knocks my full ginger ale out of its cup holder!! Spilling the entirety of it on the carpeted floor of the Ziegfeld! Obviously, this led to me, Kerry and James staring at him as he took his seat and as if it was an afterthought he looked up and said "oh, sorry". And he said it so reluctantly. As if mayhap I didn't notice I now had to suck my ginger ale off the floor. So, then he says, "want a few bucks?" To which I promptly reply, "it seems 'I'm sorry" cost you enough already". James however, made him cough up some cash and thus I got $3! Thanks, douche bag. A medium soda hasn't cost $3 since Bladerunner came out the first time! It may be the mono, but I really hate people!
OH, and James has an odd bug in his home so I promptly told him about my favorite bug site This site led me to correctly identify my house centipedes (horrible little critters) and dispel the myth that they may be silverfish. Fingers crossed, James identifies his own bug! One of my favorite parts of the site- is their "love" section!! That's bug love, you horn dogs! And thus, this fine shot of two rhino beetles getting it on! Notice the lack of kissing...
maybe one of them has mono, too!
Thursday, 18 October 2007
More Fun Than A Barrel of...
So, I woke up this morning thinking- "how can I make this mono not mono any more fun??" And it occurred to me... JURY DUTY!! Thank God, I have that today! See you at The Queens County Courthouse in Kew Gardens! I'll be the one sleeping.
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Thanks, AOL!

Any of you who have AOL know that they have several "top stories" that pop up on the main screen. One of today's.... Halloween Costumes for Curvy Gals! Well, thank Gourdness, because without that- me and everyone else over a size 2 clearly would have sat home eating mini-candy bars! And they offered suggestions! Not just any suggestions but sexy ones! WHEW! I could be a curvy pirate or a curvy Dorothy or a curvy devil or a curvy Saloon Girl! All at Plus Size prices, too!! Thank Gourdness we live in such an open-minded world! Otherwise, I would have no choice but to dress in a non-plus size costume and looky lou what they offer there!
Regardless of your size... as long as the costume spells WHORE, AOL says YES!
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Mono A No No??
I got my results today from my Mono test. It says negative. You would think that would make me happy, yes?! Instead it scares the shit out of me because if it isn't mono than what the hell is wrong with me?? I am not a hypochondriac. I do not routinely go to the doctor. I usually wait until I am coughing up blood or the pirates arrive to induct me into the Scurvy Club! And I know what it is to be over-worked and over-stressed and over-tired and Lord knows, I could be.
But this is different. I know its different.
So, I freaked out and called Dr. Eunice. Crying and freaking, she managed to talk me down. And was able to echo a few things my doctor said that I had stopped really listening to after she said "negative". One is that the mono test I was given has more false positives than actual positives. A's test took 3 days for results, mine came in overnight. the theory being that I haven't had it long enough. It takes two to three weeks before the virus shows up. There is more than one type of mono and we only tested for one. Even if it is mono, they can't do anything for it so... The consensus being that I should operate "as if" I have mono
but need to wait until Monday to know for sure.
I don't operate "as if", people!! I remember, 100 years ago, having a conversation with Caprice and Elizabeth and Hyjack was there and maybe Eileen about acting "as if". (I believe Caprice was trying to sell me some line about boys liking a woman who acts as if she is likable regardless how she feels about herself! I didn't believe that nonsense then and I certainly don't now!) (It's not you, it's me, Caprice!) As if! As if, my ass! I want to know what's wrong with me. I don't care what my test said, I have read the symptoms online, I have spoken to A (who has been diagnosed) and so... that's that. I am going to act "as if" modern medicine don't know jack!
Now, I need a nap damn it.
Stupid Mono.
A Rose By Any Other Name...
So, I have taken to watching Beauty and The Geek because the CW11 is one of my 5 channels! (When I say "taken to", I simply mean I have seen this season more than once)...
Here is my issue with it... I get the whole Beauty and the Beast like naming fun but it implies that the Beauties are good and the Geeks (or Beasts) are bad. And that's what I don't like. In today's challenge to stay on the show- the Beauty was asked to spell intelligence. He struggled with it. The other beauty failed because she didn't know the western most state... She said California. It's Alaska.
And thus my question... would it work if it was called The Moron and the Brain?
Here is my issue with it... I get the whole Beauty and the Beast like naming fun but it implies that the Beauties are good and the Geeks (or Beasts) are bad. And that's what I don't like. In today's challenge to stay on the show- the Beauty was asked to spell intelligence. He struggled with it. The other beauty failed because she didn't know the western most state... She said California. It's Alaska.
And thus my question... would it work if it was called The Moron and the Brain?
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Mono isn't just for kissing anymore.

A has mono. I do believe I do, too. Blood test tomorrow. Thinking it may be affecting my mood. Remember when life was easy and adorable, A?
Where all da' ladies at?
Forbes Top Earning "Comedians"
1. Seinfeld
2. Letterman
3. Stiller
4. Leno
5. Sandler
6. Lopez (George, not Jennifer)
7. Vaughn
8. Cable Guy
9. Foxworthy
10. Cook
Seriously, not one chick who's funny in that list? I realize Ben Stiller can be funny but he isn't a comedian. Ditto Vaughn. So, where are the funny ladies?
Oh yeah, they are getting boob jobs.
60 Minutes of BS!
So, as I type, 60 Minutes is on. They are reporting on some prison in Colorado ("the Harvard of prisons" as it was described). It is called Supermax. It is home to the worst of the worst- including terrorists and murders. The cells are small, they are in them for 23 hours of the day, the windows are covered, they have to earn exercise, they get a tiny 12 inch B&W TV, and they only get approved mail and one call a month.
60 Minutes is trying to make this seem cruel. Most cruel, the fact that US Citizens have never seen pictures of this place. Are you shitting me, 60 Minutes??? The brutality of isolation is what should be happening??? 4 suicides have happened and 3 murders since 1993? Bye! Does anyone give two shits if that moron who tried to blow up a plane with his shoe can't get mail? Is feeling lonely? The only point they made that was worth the whole segment was that it is sadly, understaffed. How can one solve this?? Keep the bastards in their cells for 24 hours! They watched 9/11 on their TVs and cheered. What would you prefer, 60 Minutes, rehabilitation?
Life is full of choices. And all choices have consequences. You choose not to do your homework- you fail. You choose to eat too much Hagen Daaz- you put on weight. You choose to take away the rights of others in a violent and cruel manner- you don't get cable! You don't get Rocky Mountain fresh air! You don't get calls! And you don't get to go outside and play!
Only 32 minutes until America's Next Top Model. Hopefully, that won't get me more fired up!
Thank you and good night.
60 Minutes is trying to make this seem cruel. Most cruel, the fact that US Citizens have never seen pictures of this place. Are you shitting me, 60 Minutes??? The brutality of isolation is what should be happening??? 4 suicides have happened and 3 murders since 1993? Bye! Does anyone give two shits if that moron who tried to blow up a plane with his shoe can't get mail? Is feeling lonely? The only point they made that was worth the whole segment was that it is sadly, understaffed. How can one solve this?? Keep the bastards in their cells for 24 hours! They watched 9/11 on their TVs and cheered. What would you prefer, 60 Minutes, rehabilitation?
Life is full of choices. And all choices have consequences. You choose not to do your homework- you fail. You choose to eat too much Hagen Daaz- you put on weight. You choose to take away the rights of others in a violent and cruel manner- you don't get cable! You don't get Rocky Mountain fresh air! You don't get calls! And you don't get to go outside and play!
Only 32 minutes until America's Next Top Model. Hopefully, that won't get me more fired up!
Thank you and good night.
Friday, 12 October 2007
Thursday, 11 October 2007
If it Ain't Broke...

Lesson 2 this week? Arguing with someone when you can't give them a hug because they are a million miles away SUCKS! All relationships have disagreements, of this I am aware! (I'm half Italian, for Christ's sake AND my father's daughter... I know from disagreements.) And I have no problem with disagreeing, I think it is good for people actually. But when you have to make up on the phone, disagreeing just... well, SUCKS. And disagreeing over something you have no control over (namely the shitheads that make up immigration) is even worse. As is evidenced by the pie fiasco (oh, and meeting me)- I can be a bit of a control freak and yet I thrive in chaos.
Why do I go to extremes, Billy Joel? And all that happens is that I end up miserable at
Otto's Shrunken Head (supporting a fab cause though) and suffering from
Diabolical Nuclear Metatosis (thanks, Dr. Marcus!)!!
All one can do is hope. Hope that it has not forsaken this land and that your pie turns out great and that your man can come for Christmas (and that he knows how loved and supported he is even if he can't) and that DNM is cured by Jake!
Monday, 8 October 2007
Colliding Scrotally

"colliding scrotally". Good stuff!
Plus, I have slept the afternoon away. Battling hours of traffic, marveling at the city planners who decided repaving the first two lane segment of Rt. 27 on a holiday Monday was a good idea, and listening to the theme song from Full House enough times to make a girl weep sure does wear me out! (whatever happened to predictability? the milkman, the paperboy? evening TV?) I do love the Hamptons in Fall, however. Well, I love Fall. It makes me feel decidedly domestic. I wanna shuck corn and pick apples and roll crusts and carve pumpkins! I wanna feel the crispness in the air and the joy of a new sweater. (New sweater? check. J Crew Outlet sale. Crispness? negative. 80 and muggy, people. Stupid global warming.) And have I ever mentioned my love of the gourd? I brought 6 more home with me! That's right, I said MORE! I bought some last weekend, too. Now, Fall in The Hamptons is not like Fall anywhere else... it is much more expensive! (Said gourds ran me $36 of Nannyland money!) (Which of course means that Fall in the Hamptons is technically cheaper for me) So, go out and look! Pumpkintown on 27. Sip some free wine from the Duckwalk Vineyard across the street. Play Ansel Adams at the farm stands and bake a pie! And then go home and and lay in the tub reading things like this...
"You could go into some bakery and be greeted by some vast sluglike creature with a look that told you you would never be friends. In halting French you would ask for a small loaf of bread. The woman would give you a long, cold stare and then put a dead beaver on the counter."
-Bill Bryson on the French. (Neither Here Nor There)
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Oh, What A Beautiful Morning!

It turns out, I do not need an alarm clock to be up at 7 but a small dog! In an effort to keep him out of the bedroom that A and her pal are sleeping in, I let the dog sleep with me. It is amazing how much of the bed a 6lb dog can claim! And at 7, he rolled over, stretched and proceeded to wake me up with kisses! Gross but it sure does do the trick.
For those of you without a small dog, let's discuss this product. It's called Clocky. As you can see it has wheels. When the alarm goes off, so does Clocky! It wheels away forcing you to get up, find it and gently turn it off. Or in my case... chuck it out the &^%$#@! window! Much like I wanted to do with the dog! You can get Clocky from and I will sell you the dog for $50!
Friday, 5 October 2007
So, today, I was up early to attend a breakfast seminar on acne and rosacea at the St. Regis Hotel. I had a lovely brioche and some strong coffee and even learned a bit about zits and stuff. For example: "Today's retinoids are not your grandmother's retinoids." And that the Hormonal Stimulation of puberty causes a thickening of the follicle wall and excess sebum (pronounced sea-bum) which eventually causes an eruption (dirrty!). And that after puberty there is a Great Acne Migration from the t-zone to the lower half of the face. Who knew?! Fascinating stuff with breakfast!! Thanks, L&C!
But more than this, on the way there, I overheard the most annoying conversation ever. (well, ever is maybe an overstatement... I am easily annoyed) Two women, clearly friends through work or perhaps a book club but not from say, childhood, were discussing mutual friends... here is a brief recreation of this conversation, with some actual quotes, too!
Woman 1: Any one single coming tonight?
Woman 2: Just HIM.
Woman 1: Is he cute?
Woman 2: Not cute but a great guy.
Woman 1: How old? Not that it matters but...
Woman 2: 26. But he has a receding hair line. Great face though.
Woman 1: Well, that's a good age. You know, of all your friends, there is one I don't like.
Woman 2: HER? She has a really small head?
Woman 1: No...
Woman 2: Or HER? She has a big face, really wide and Irish?
Woman 1: Really big face?
Woman 2: Yeah. Really Irish.
Woman 1: No, not HER.
Woman 2: Or maybe HER? She's got really curly hair. Almost too Jewish even for you.
Woman 1: Too Jewish?
Woman 2: Yeah, not religiously but culturally.
Woman 1: Bill tends to make a lot of rude Jewish comments, too. But he gets it from his boss.
And I remind him that his kids will be Jewish and he really needs to contain that
rudeness. It's insulting.
Which part is insulting in her head, I wonder?? This conversation went on from 30th Ave. to Lexington Ave. with early morning delays and everything... It occurs to me that part of the reason this conversation annoyed me so much (besides the overuse of the word "really") is their description of people. I avoid describing people when I speak of them. I like to refer to previous stories they have been in a la "you may remember HER from such stories as...." I don't think I have EVER spoke of the size of some one's head (other than my own which I think is a bit large)! And to so cavalierly put down your own friends in order to figure which of them is the least liked by another??? Odd. Oh, and rude.
I admit, that I consciously avoid describing people by their physical appearance because I hate to imagine how I am described. Physically. Like when Matt is telling some friend about me that hasn't met me yet. I would love to be a fly on the wall then. (Of course, he loves me so I imagine the words to be - hot, sexy, and stunning). Or in a blind date situation. "I will be wearing black and am really funny" just doesn't do the job. Or in the case of our poor, balding 26 year old... He is a great guy and all but.... It's the but that gets you every time.
And all that ickiness and rudeness (especially so early in the day) just made me want to point out the back fat muffin top that Woman 1 was sporting as she conducted her witch hunt among the friends of the plain chick with tea dribbled down her shirt. She's a great girl but a slob. With a overly medium sized head and a plain face.
But more than this, on the way there, I overheard the most annoying conversation ever. (well, ever is maybe an overstatement... I am easily annoyed) Two women, clearly friends through work or perhaps a book club but not from say, childhood, were discussing mutual friends... here is a brief recreation of this conversation, with some actual quotes, too!
Woman 1: Any one single coming tonight?
Woman 2: Just HIM.
Woman 1: Is he cute?
Woman 2: Not cute but a great guy.
Woman 1: How old? Not that it matters but...
Woman 2: 26. But he has a receding hair line. Great face though.
Woman 1: Well, that's a good age. You know, of all your friends, there is one I don't like.
Woman 2: HER? She has a really small head?
Woman 1: No...
Woman 2: Or HER? She has a big face, really wide and Irish?
Woman 1: Really big face?
Woman 2: Yeah. Really Irish.
Woman 1: No, not HER.
Woman 2: Or maybe HER? She's got really curly hair. Almost too Jewish even for you.
Woman 1: Too Jewish?
Woman 2: Yeah, not religiously but culturally.
Woman 1: Bill tends to make a lot of rude Jewish comments, too. But he gets it from his boss.
And I remind him that his kids will be Jewish and he really needs to contain that
rudeness. It's insulting.
Which part is insulting in her head, I wonder?? This conversation went on from 30th Ave. to Lexington Ave. with early morning delays and everything... It occurs to me that part of the reason this conversation annoyed me so much (besides the overuse of the word "really") is their description of people. I avoid describing people when I speak of them. I like to refer to previous stories they have been in a la "you may remember HER from such stories as...." I don't think I have EVER spoke of the size of some one's head (other than my own which I think is a bit large)! And to so cavalierly put down your own friends in order to figure which of them is the least liked by another??? Odd. Oh, and rude.
I admit, that I consciously avoid describing people by their physical appearance because I hate to imagine how I am described. Physically. Like when Matt is telling some friend about me that hasn't met me yet. I would love to be a fly on the wall then. (Of course, he loves me so I imagine the words to be - hot, sexy, and stunning). Or in a blind date situation. "I will be wearing black and am really funny" just doesn't do the job. Or in the case of our poor, balding 26 year old... He is a great guy and all but.... It's the but that gets you every time.
And all that ickiness and rudeness (especially so early in the day) just made me want to point out the back fat muffin top that Woman 1 was sporting as she conducted her witch hunt among the friends of the plain chick with tea dribbled down her shirt. She's a great girl but a slob. With a overly medium sized head and a plain face.
Thursday, 4 October 2007
My services are needed once again!
someone in Ireland had sent a
Mr. Potato Head filled with Ecstasy! Clever, Irish.
Thank God, I have recently dreamed of a career in Potato Head naming!
Spud Mule? Mr. POTato HEAD? Back Door Tater?
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
Today we had a photo shoot...

kisses- bella!
PS... come see us at Cafe Del Mar on Halloween
PPS... visit Linda at
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
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